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Ambiortus Kurochkin, 1982

Ambiortus Kurochkin, 1982 (Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 262 (2): 453. NcZ) (Ambiortidae NcZ) "uncertain origin"
am-bee-OR-tus (from Lat. ambiguus "vacillating, uncertain" + Lat. ortus "origin, beginning")* (m) alluding to its uncertain placement in avian evolution, with a complex mosaic of archaic traits (a third phalange on the major digit of the wing) and modern features (fused carpometacarpals and a sternal keel like that found in carinate birds). Kurochkin thought the form was possibly ancestral to modern carinate birds. Ornithurae Ambiortidae E. Cret. CAs. (Mongolia)

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Type species: Ambiortus dementjevi Kurochkin, 1982


Описание Ambiortus

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