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Coniornis Marsh, 1893

Coniornis Marsh, 1893 (Amer. J. Sci., (3) 45, 82. NcZ) "Cretaceous bird"
kon-ee-OR-nis (Gr. konis "dust, chalk [Cretaceous]" + Gr. ornis "bird") (m) alluding to the Late Cretaceous (Judith River) deposits at Dog Creek, Montana, where the fossil was found, indicating that hesperornithids lived in freshwater as well as marine environments. Ornithurae Hesperornithiformes Hesperornithidae L. Cret. NA. [= ?Hesperornis Marsh, 1872]

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Type species: Coniornis altus Marsh, 1893


Описание Coniornis

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