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Abrictosaurus Hopson, 1975

Abrictosaurus Hopson, 1975 (S. Afr. J. Sci. 71: 304. NcZ) "awake lizard"
a-BRIK-to-SAWR-us (Gr. abriktos "awake" + Gr. sauros "lizard")* (m) The name expresses J. A. Hopson's "disagreement with [R. A.] Thulborn's suggestion that heterodontosaurids underwent aestivation (or hibernation) during the yearly dry season," based on the supposed replacement pattern of their teeth. Abrictosaurus was active year-round in Hopson's view. Ornithopoda Heterodontosauridae E. Jur. SAfr.

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Type species: Lycorhinus consors Thulborn, 1974
(= Abrictosaurus consors (Thulborn, 1974))


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