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Aeolosaurus J. E. Powell, 1987

a.k.a Eolosaurus

Aeolosaurus Powell, 1988 (Powell, 2003. Rec Queen Vic Mus 111, 22 January: 26 NcZ) "Aeolus's lizard"
EE-o-lo-SAWR-us (Lat. Aeolus, god of the winds in Greek and Roman mythology + Gr. sauros "lizard") (m) alluding to the windy Patagonian region of southern Argentina where the fossil was found. Sauropoda Titanosauridae L. Cret. SA.

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Type species: Aeolosaurus rionegrinus J. E. Powell, 1987


Описание Aeolosaurus
Данные о Aeolosaurus 1
Данные о Aeolosaurus 2

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