|Late Triassic|Map|Early Jurassic|Map|Middle Jurassic|Map|Late Jurassic|Map|Early Cretaceous|Map|Late Cretaceous|Map|
Nomina Dubia Misspelling No Dinosaur Inc. Sedis Type species Eggs Skin Sail Skull Genera

Dinosaurs A

DESCRIBER Bolotsky & Kurzanov 1991
TIME Cretaceous Late
CLASSIFICATION Ornithischia Ornithopoda Hadrosauridae Lambeosaurinae  
DIET Herbivore
FOSSILSITE Tsagayan Formation [Tsagayanskaya Svita], Amur river basin, far eastern Russia, near the Chinese border.
INFO Two apparently intact skeletons had been found. Discovered on the outskirts of the town of Blagoveshchensk. Despite the Late Maastrichtian age proposed for the Blagoveschensk locality A. riabinini looks verry primitive: its skull and dention present several plesiomorphic characters not observed in North American lambeosaurines. Its skull was probably capped with a crest similar to that observed in the North American genera Corythosaurus or Hypacrosaurus








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