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Angaturama Kellner & Campos, 1996

Angaturama Kellner & de A. Campos, 1996 (Neues Jahrb Geol Palaeontol Abh 199 (2): 152 NcZ) "noble one"
AHN-gah-too-RAH-ma (Tupi Indian angaturama "noble, brave") (m) named for Angaturama, a protective spirit in the aboriginal Tupi Indian culture of Brazil; proposed for a large, narrow-snouted, probably fish-eating theropod from Araripe Basin, northeastern Brazil, a region where the Tupi lived. Theropoda Spinosauridae E. Cret. SA. (Brazil)

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Type species: Angaturama limai Kellner & Campos, 1996


Описание Angaturama

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