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Archaeornithoides Elzanowski & Wellnhofer, 1992

Archaeornithoides Elzanowski & Wellnhofer, 1992 (Nature (Lond) 359 No. 6398: 822. NcZ) "Archaeornis-like (dinosaur)"
AHR-kee-OR-ni-THOI-deez (t.L.m.: AHR-kee-or-NITH-o-IE-deez) (from Archaeornis "ancient bird" [junior synonym of Archeopteryx] + -oides "resembling")* (m) named for a resemblance to primitive toothed birds: "The avian features of the maxillary palatal shelf and dentition distinguish Archaeornithoides from all other potential sister-groups of birds, suggesting that Archaeornithoides is the closest known theropod relative of birds." A juvenile specimen. Theropoda Archaeornithoididae L. Cret. (Mongolia)

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Type species: Archaeornithoides deinosauriscus Elzanowski & Wellnhofer, 1992


Описание Archaeornithoides
Данные о Archaeornithoides 1
Данные о Archaeornithoides 2

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