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Bactrosaurus Gilmore, 1933

Bactrosaurus Gilmore, 1933 (Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist., 67, 50. NcZ) "club (spined) lizard"
BAK-tro-SAWR-us (Gr. baktron "rod, staff, club" + Gr. sauros "lizard") (m) Gilmore explains: "The vertebrae of the posterior half of the [backbone] are characterized by high massive club-shaped spines, and it is to this feature that the generic name refers." The name Bactrosaurus is often misinterpreted as "Bactrian lizard." However, ancient Bactria was in southwest Asia, far from Chinese Inner Mongolia where the original fossil was found. Gilmore incorrectly associated a flat-headed hadrosaur skull (now identified as belonging to Gilmoreosaurus Brett-Surman, 1979) with a lambeosaur body, resulting in a supposed non-crested form of lambeosaur. Ornithopoda Hadrosauridae Lambeosaurinae L. Cret. CAs.

Bactrosaurus – это утконос без гребня на голове.
Рождественский А.К. Встречи с динозаврами. Знание, М., 1966 г.

Нижняя челюсть этого гадрозаврида имеется на экспозиции Палеонтологического музея в г. Москва.

Видовой состав

Type species: Bactrosaurus johnsoni Gilmore, 1933
Other species: Bactrosaurus kyzylkumensis (Riabinin, 1931)


Описание Bactrosaurus
Данные о Bactrosaurus 1
Данные о Bactrosaurus 2
Данные о Bactrosaurus 3

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