|Late Triassic|Map|Early Jurassic|Map|Middle Jurassic|Map|Late Jurassic|Map|Early Cretaceous|Map|Late Cretaceous|Map|
Nomina Dubia Misspelling No Dinosaur Inc. Sedis Type species Eggs Skin Sail Skull Genera

Dinosaurs B

BAMBIRAPTOR feinbergorum
DESCRIBER Burnham, Derstler, Currie, Bakker, Zhou & Ostrom, 2000 emended Olshevsky, 2000
TIME Cretaceous Late
CLASSIFICATION Saurischia Theropoda Tetanurae Coelurosauria Dromaeosauridae  
DIET Carnivore
FOSSILSITE Two Medicine Formation, Montana, US
LENGTH 0,91 meter
INFO Bambiraptor feinbergorum was discovered in 1994 by 14-year-old Wes Linster, who was hunting for fossils near Montana's Glacier National Park. Now, scientists have identified it as what may be the most convincing evolutionary link yet between dinosaurs and birds: a 75 million-year-old creature with a roadrunner's body, arms that resembled clawed wings, and thin, hair-like feathers, anatomically it is the most bird-like dinosaur yet discovered.








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