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Bothriospondylus Owen, 1875 [nomen dubium?]

a.k.a Bathriospondylus, Bothrospondylus, Bothryospondylus

Bothriospondylus Owen, 1875 (Monogr. Rept. Mesoz., 2, 15. NcZ) "furrowed vertebrae"
BOTH-ree-o-SPON-di-lus (Gr. bothrion "little ditch, trench, furrow" + Gr. spondylos "vertebra") (m) named for "the flattened form and lateral cavities characteristic of the sacral vertebrae." Sauropoda Brachiosauridae L. Jur. Eur. & Madagascar

Видовой состав

Type species: Bothriospondylus suffosus Owen, 1875
Other species: Bothriospondylus madagascariensis Lydekker, 1895
Bothriospondylus robustus (Owen, 1875)


Описание Bothriospondylus
Данные о Bothriospondylus 1
Данные о Bothriospondylus 2
Данные о Bothriospondylus 3

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