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Brachyceratops Gilmore, 1914

Brachyceratops Gilmore, 1914 (Smithson. misc. Coll., 63, no. 3, 1. NcZ) "short horned face"
BRAK-i-SER-a-tops (Gr. brachys "short" + Gr. kerat- (keras) "horn" + Gr. ops "face") (m) alluding to "the greatly abbreviated facial portion of the skull." Ceratopsia Ceratopidae Centrosaurinae L. Cret. NA.

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Type species: Brachyceratops montanensis Gilmore, 1914


Описание Brachyceratops
Данные о Brachyceratops 1
Данные о Brachyceratops 2
Данные о Brachyceratops 3

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