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Camposaurus Hunt, Lucas, Heckert, Sullivan & Lockley, 1998

Camposaurus Hunt, Lucas, Heckert, Sullivan & Lockley, 1998 (Geobios (Lyon) 31 (4): 530 NcZ) "Camp's lizard"
KAM-po-SAWR-us (Camp + Gr. sauros "lizard") (m) for Charles Lewis Camp (1893-1975), American vertebrate paleontologist, who excavated the Placerias quarry and all specimens of this new genus"; for a small ceratosaurian described as distinct from Coelophysis and Syntarsus in details of the hindlimbs; identified from limb bones (UCMP 34498) and attributed vertebrae from the Bluewater Creek Formation of the Chinle Group, Late Carnian of Arizona.
Type species: Camposaurus arizonensis [ayr-i-zoh-NEN-sis] Hunt, Lucas, Heckert, Sullivan & Lockley, 1998: for "the state of Arizona, which yielded the holotype."
Theropoda Ceratosauria Late Triassic (Carnian) NA. [entry added 11-98]

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Type species: Camposaurus arizonensis Hunt, Lucas, Heckert, Sullivan & Lockley, 1998


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