|Late Triassic|Map|Early Jurassic|Map|Middle Jurassic|Map|Late Jurassic|Map|Early Cretaceous|Map|Late Cretaceous|Map|
Nomina Dubia Misspelling No Dinosaur Illustration Inc. Sedis Type species Eggs Skin Sail Skull Genera

Dinosaurs C

DESCRIBER Ji Qiang, Currie, Norell & Ji  Shuan, 1998
TIME Cretaceous Early
CLASSIFICATION Saurischia Theropoda Maniraptora Caudipteridae  
DIET Carnivore
FOSSILSITE Yixian Formation of Liaoning, northesast China
LENGTH 0.9 meter
INFO Caudipteryx > C.zoui > C.dongi

Caudipteryx zoui, is a close relative of  birds. Caudipteryx shows besides some diferences also many similaritys with the family oviratorosauridae.The hind legs are in both animals extremely long which can be seen as a indication that this where fast running animals. 

According to Norell the fossils are considered theropod dinosaurs rather than true birds because they lack a number of features seen in Archaeopteryx and more advanced birds. He and his colleagues doubt that the creatures could fly because they had relatively short forelimbs, short feathers, and a body twice the size of Archaeopteryx. Whats more, their feathers had a symmetrical shape like that seen in flightless birds today.








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