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Материалы Юмор Автор Линки Определитель

Chiayusaurus Bohlin, 1953

Chiayusaurus Bohlin, 1953 (Rep. Sino-Swedish Sci. Exped. N.W. Prov. China (1927-33) Stockholm. (6) 6, publ. no. 37, 45. NcZ) "Jiayu (China) lizard"
JYAH-yoo-SAWR-us (Chia-yu [= Jiayu] + Gr. sauros "lizard") (m) named for the Jiayuguan [Chia-yu-kuon] badlands in Gansu Province, north central China, where the fossil tooth was found. Sauropoda i.s. E. Cret. China [nomen dubium]

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Type species: Chiayusaurus lacustris Bohlin, 1953
Other species: Chiayusaurus asianensis Lee, Yang & Park, 1997


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