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Clasmodosaurus Ameghino, 1899 [nomen dubium]

Clasmodosaurus Ameghino, 1899 (1898 www.dinosauria.com) (Sin. geol.-pal. Argent., Suppl., 9. NcZ) "fragment-tooth (?) lizard"
KLAS-mo-do-SAWR-us (irr. Gr. klasma "fragment" + Gr. odon "tooth" + Gr. sauros "lizard") (m) named for sauropod teeth in which "the crown is wider than the root" and the "the lower part of the root is open at the base, as in Edentates..." Sauropoda L. Cret. SA. [nomen dubium]

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Type species: Clasmodosaurus spatula Ameghino, 1899


Описание Clasmodosaurus
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