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Conchoraptor Barsbold, 1986

Conchoraptor Barsbold, 1986 (In Vorobeva [Ed.] Gerpetologicheskie issledovaniya v mongolskoi narodnoi respublike. [Herpetological studies in Mongolia.] Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow: 219. NcZ) "shell robber"
KONG-ko-RAP-tor (Gr. kogkhe "shellfish, mussel" + Lat. raptor "robber, plunderer") (m) named for its supposed diet of shelled mollusks, based on the curved shape of its beaked jaws. The true diet of oviraptorids (eggs, plants, flesh, mollusks, etc.) remains controversial. Theropoda Oviraptorosauria L. Cret. CAs. (Mongolia)

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Type species: Conchoraptor gracilis Barsbold, 1986


Описание Conchoraptor
Данные о Conchoraptor 1
Данные о Conchoraptor 2

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