|Late Triassic|Map|Early Jurassic|Map|Middle Jurassic|Map|Late Jurassic|Map|Early Cretaceous|Map|Late Cretaceous|Map|
Nomina Dubia Misspelling No Dinosaur Illustration Inc. Sedis Type species Eggs Skin Sail Skull Genera

Dinosaurs C

DESCRIBER Hammer & Hickerson,1994
TIME Jurassic Early
CLASSIFICATION Saurischia Theropoda Tetanurae Carnosauria ?Sinraptoridae  
DIET Carnivore
LENGTH 8 meter
INFO Cryolophosaurus > C.ellioti >> Elvisaurus

[Cranial anatomy]

The first fragments of Cryolophosaurus were discovered by paleontologist William Hammer and William Hickerson, both of Augustana College (Rock Island, Illinois), in 1994 on the slopes of Mount Kickpatrick, situated in the Transantartic range. The fragments of Cryolophosaurus were found in porous volcanic silstone at an altitude of over 13.000 ft (4.000 m) in the Falla Formation. The fragment comsist of a partial skull, pelvic bones (the ilium, ischium, and pubis), e femur and fibla (leg bones), two articulated (still together) metatarsals (foot bones), and a tibiotarsus (an ankle bone), Also 30 vetrebrae were found and collected. However interesting the various other bones might seem, it was the Cryolophosaurus skull that gleaned the most attention from its discoverers, and truly gave away its identity as a new species. The two scientist found the posterior (rear half) elements of the jaws and skull. The anterior (front half) elements were not present. Skull length is about 65 cm 








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