Scutosaurus karpinskii

Scutosaurus karpinskii
Scutosaurus karpinskii (Amalitzky, 1922) skeleton of mature specimen
Parareptilia: Pareiasaurida: Pareiasaurina: Pareiasauridae
Locality: Sokolki, Malaya Severnaya Dvina River,
Arkhangelsk Region, northern European Russia
Age: Late Permian, 250 million years ago

Scutosaurus karpinskii (Amalitzky, 1922) skeleton of immature specimen
Parareptilia: Pareiasaurida: Pareiasaurina: Pareiasauridae
Locality: Sokolki, Malaya Severnaya Dvina River,
Arkhangelsk Region, northern European Russia
Age: Late Permian, 250 million years ago

At the end of the Late Permian what it was now East Europe was infused by newcomers from the south. The fauna of East Europe and Gondwana became very similar in their components. The climate became hotter and dryer, resulting in the disappearance of the extensive brackish lakes.

One of the most characteristic land tetrapods of that time was the huge parareptile Scutosaurus of the family Pareiasauridae. These animals dwelt in numbers in small fresh-water basins, feeding on floating vegetation. Their flat teeth with serrated edges were adapted to filter the water when feeding. The thick leather in Scutosaurus, like in amphibians, had numerous glands.

Scutosaurus lifetime reconstruction

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