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Acanthopholis Huxley, 1867 [nomen dubium]

Acanthopholis Huxley, 1867 (Geol. Mag., 4, 65. NcZ) "spine-scutes"
a-kan-THOF-o-lis (Gr. akantha "spine, thorn" + Gr. pholis "scute") (f) referring to the "large scutes and spines entering into the dermal armor of.... a large reptile allied to Scelidosaurus, Hylaeosaurus and Polacanthus." Ankylosauria Nodosauridae E. Cret. Eur.

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Type species: Acanthopholis horrida Huxley, 1867
(= Acanthopholis horridus Huxley, 1867)
Other species: Acanthopholis macrocercus Seeley, 1869
Acanthopholis platypus Seeley, 1869
Acanthopholis stereocercus Seeley, 1869


Описание Acanthopholis
Данные о Acanthopholis 1
Данные о Acanthopholis 2
Данные о Acanthopholis 3

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