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Ampelosaurus Le Loeuff, 1995

Ampelosaurus Le Loeuff, 1995 (C R Acad Sci Ser II A Sci Terre Planetes 321 (8), 19 Octobre: 695 NcZ) "vineyard lizard"*
AM-pel-o-SAWR-us (Gr. ampelos "vine" + Gr. sauros "lizard") alluding to the site where the fossils were found: a bone-bed located at the southern end of the Blanquette de Limoux vineyards in Campagne-sur-Aude, south-central France. An armored sauropod 15 m. long. Sauropoda Titanosauridae L. Cret. Eur.

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Type species: Ampelosaurus atacis Le Loeuff, 1995


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