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Amphisaurus Marsh, 1882

Amphisaurus Marsh, 1882 (Marsh, 1877. Intr. Vert. Life Amer., 12. NcZ) "near lizard"
AM-fi-SAWR-us (Gr. amphi "near, around, both" + Gr. sauros "lizard")* (m) alluding its transitional nature, with supposed affinities to both the primitive Palaeosaurus and later dinosaurs, as discussed by Cope (1870) and others. (To replace preoccupied Megadactylus E. Hitchcock Jr., 1865 NcZ; preoccupied by Amphisaurus Barkas, 1870 (Amphibia NcZ). See Anchisaurus) [= Anchisaurus Marsh, 1885]


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