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Nomina Dubia Misspelling No Dinosaur Inc. Sedis Type species Eggs Skin Sail Skull Genera

Dinosaurs A

DESCRIBER Dong & Azuma,1997
TIME Cretaceous Early
CLASSIFICATION Ornithischia Genasauria Cerapoda Marginocephalia Neoceratopia Archaeoceratopidae  
DIET Herbivore
FOSSILSITE Silk Road, Gobi, Gansu Province, China
INFO Holotype IVPP V11114 and a second skeleton V11115. This is a spectacular specimen, known from two partial relatively small skeletons that include a skull with lower jaws, of a very primitive protoceratopid, apparently bipedal. Premaxillary teeth are present. The frill is relatively short, but the skull is quite large compared to body size. 

It seems closest to Microceratops in overall appearance. Dong Zhiming & Yoichi Azuma, 1997. "On a Primitive Neoceratopsian from the Early Cretaceous of China," in Dong Z., ed., 1997: 68-89. Features new genus and species Archaeoceratops oshimai Dong & Azuma, 1997, in new family Archaeoceratopsidae Dong & Azuma, 1997 at the base of Neoceratopsia, including besides the nominal genus the genera Microceratops and Kulceratops. Archaeoceratops is clearly more advanced than Chaoyangsaurus








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