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Archaeornithomimus D. A. Russell, 1972

Archaeornithomimus Russell, 1972 "ancient ornithomimid"
AHR-kee-or-NITH-o-MIEM-us (Gr. arkhaios "ancient" + Ornithomimus (Gr. ornith- (ornis) "bird" + Gr. mimos "mimic")) (m) new name proposed for "Ornithomimus" asiaticus, from the Iren Dabasu Formation of Mongolia [which] is more primitive than...later Canadian forms.." Theropoda Ornithomimosauria Ornithomimidae L. Cret. CAs.

Видовой состав

Type species: Ornithomimus asiaticus Gilmore, 1933
(= Archaeornithomimus asiaticus (Gilmore, 1933))
Other species: Archaeornithomimus bissektensis Nessov, 1995


Описание Archaeornithomimus
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Данные о Archaeornithomimus 3
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