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Bugenasaura Galton, 1995

Bugenasaura Galton, 1995 (Neues Jahrb Geol Palaeontol Abh 198 (3): 308 NcZ) "large cheek lizard"
BOO-jen-a-SAWR-a (Lat. bu- (Gr. bou-) "huge" + Lat. gena "cheek" + Gr. saura "lizard")* (f) named as "an allusion to the massive ridges on the maxilla and dentary for the attachment of a structure functionally analogous to the cheeks of mammals"; for a skull originally attributed to Thescelosaurus. Ornithopoda Hypsilophodontidae L. Cret. NA.

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Type species: Bugenasaura infernalis Galton, 1995
Other species: Bugenasaura garbanii (Morris, 1976)


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