|Late Triassic|Map|Early Jurassic|Map|Middle Jurassic|Map|Late Jurassic|Map|Early Cretaceous|Map|Late Cretaceous|Map|
Nomina Dubia Misspelling No Dinosaur Inc. Sedis Type species Eggs Skin Sail Skull Genera

Dinosaurs C

DESCRIBER Gilmore,1924
TIME Cretaceous Late
Campanian Maastrichtian
CLASSIFICATION Saurischia Theropoda Tetanurae Coelurosauria Maniraptora Oviraptorosauria Caenagnathidae  
DIET Carnivore
LENGTH 2 meter
INFO Chirostenotes (Gilmore,1924) > C.pergraciles (Gilmore,1924) >> Macrophalangia canadensis (Sternberg,1932)

("slender hand" "narrow-handed (dinosaur)") 2 partially complete manus. Discovery of un unprepared skeleton in a 60-year old museum collection has recently revealed that postcranial skeletons previously identified as Chirostenotes and Macrophalangia are caennagnathids

The digital proportions and hand configuration are comparable to those of Deinonychus antirrhopus and Velociraptor mongoliens, hence the suggested family assignment. There is no evidence that dromaeosaurids were particularly fast as theropods go. In fact, dromaeosaurids have shorter and stockier legs than most other theropods of the same size! Their hindlimbs seem more specialized for power than high speed.








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