Chondrosteosaurus Owen, 1876
Chondrosteosaurus Owen, 1876
((Pal. Soc. Monogr.), Rep. Wealden Purbeck, Suppl. 7, 1, 5.
NcZ) "cartilage-boned lizard"
kon-DROS-tee-o-SAWR-us (Gr. khondros "cartilage" + Gr. osteon "bone" +
Gr. sauros "lizard") (m) named for the cartilage that supposedly filled the bone.
Owen says: "I deem it much more probable that the large cancelli obvious at every
fractured surface of the vertebra were occupied in the living reptile by unossified cartilage,
or chondrine, than by air from the lungs." Sauropoda Camarasauridae E. Cret. Eur.
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