Compsognathus Wagner, 1859
Compsognathus Wagner, 1859
(Anz. Bayer. Akad., 49, 553.
NcZ) "delicate jaw" [zierlich "delicate" + Kiefer "jaw"]
komp-SOG-na-thus (c.u.:
(Gr. kompsos "elegant [delicate, adorned]" + Gr. gnathos "jaw" + -us)
(m) named for the light construction of its jaws: "the skull presents a very delicate, slender,
elongated form." Wagner explained the name in German as zierlich "delicate" +
Kiefer "jaw," which fits his original descriptions better than the commonly used,
but less apt, English version "elegant jaw." The type specimen may be a juvenile in which
elements of the skull had not fused. The type species name C. longipes (LON-ji-pees)
"long-legged" (the classical Latin meaning) refers to the striking length of the back limbs.
The 1859 description, though brief, validly establishes the name.
Theropoda Compsognathidae L. Jur. Eur.
Длина обитавшего в южной Германии и в юго-восточной Франции компсогнатуса ("изящная челюсть")
от кончика носа до кончика хвоста составляла 70-75 см. Он весил около 3 кг.
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