Avimimus portentosus

Avimimus portentosus
Avimimus portentosus -Kurzanov, 1981- skeleton
Archosauria: Saurischia: Maniraptora: Avimimidae
Locality: Udan Sayr, Gobi Desert, southern Mongolia
Age: Late Cretaceous (Campanian), 75 million years ago

A single known species of avimimids comes from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia. This very unusual dinosaur shares some characters in the structure of the forelimb and shoulder girdle with birds. Small carnivorous dinosaurs or theropods are thought to give rise to the birds. The translation of Avimimus, 'bird mimic' reflects the uncertainty of its relationship to birds. It was interpreted by its discoverer, Dr. Sergey Kurzanov, as a dinosaur that had features in parallel with birds, perhaps even feathers. The animal possibly had short, wide wings of limited use for flight and may even have been warm blooded.

Avimimus skeleton reconstruction

Avimimus reconstruction
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