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Cryolophosaurus Hammer & Hickerson, 1994

Cryolophosaurus Hammer & Hickerson, 1994 (Science (Washington DC) 264(5160), 6 May: 828. NcZ) "frozen crested lizard"*
krie-o-LOF-o-SAWR-us (Gr. kryos "cold" + Gr. lophos "crest" + Gr. sauros "lizard")* (m) alluding both to the freezing conditions under which the fossil remains of a large theropod were extracted on Mount Kirkpatrick in the Queen Alexandra Range, west central Antarctica, and to the unusual ridged, transverse bony crest on the animal's forehead, originally compared to Elvis Presley's 1950's pompadour hair-do. Theropoda Allosauroidea E. Jur. Ant.

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Type species: Cryolophosaurus elliotti Hammer & Hickerson, 1994


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