Camptosaurus Marsh, 1885
Camptosaurus Marsh, 1885
(Amer. J. Sci., (3) 29, 169.
NcZ) "flexible (back) lizard"
KAMP-to-SAWR-us (Gr. kamptos "flexible" + Gr. sauros "lizard")* (m)
replacment name based on preoccupied Camptonotus Marsh, 1879, to refer to the sacral (hip) vertebrae,
which were supposedly not fused together as typically found in dinosaurs, but instead had a
"peculiar peg-and-notch articulation." Some specimens later described by Gilmore had fused
sacral vertebrae, making the name Camptosaurus something of a misnomer according to
Marsh's original description. (To replace preoccupied
Camptonotus Marsh, 1879
Ornithopoda Camptosauridae L. Jur. - E. Cret. NA. Eur.
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