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Chirostenotes Gilmore, 1924

Chirostenotes Gilmore, 1924 (Canad. Geol. Surv. Bull., No. 38, 1. NcZ) "narrow-handed (dinosaur)"
KIE-ro-STEN-o-teez (c.u.: KIE-ro-ste-NOH-teez) (Gr. kheir "hand" + Gr. stenotes "narrowness" (Gr. stenos "narrow" + Gr. feminine suffix -otes, denoting a quality)) (f) referring to the long, slender digits of its hands, used in grasping. Theropoda Elmisauridae L. Cret. NA.

Видовой состав

Type species: Chirostenotes pergracilis Gilmore, 1924
Other species: Chirostenotes sternbergi (Cracraft, 1971)


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